There was this feeling –

so less I know.

The more I scream,

I wobble around in my spiraling death.


It was that impression –

I know so little.

Caged in opaque,

I had forgotten the world outside my head.


It was a hunch –

no more of what I know.

Trying to break-free,

I could not, would not submit to distress.


It was this belief –

I crave for more.

So when I fall,

I stand up and keep walking instead.


It was the resolve –

dare – crave and care.

But then should I give in to expanse?

She says, give it a try, after all, its not Macbeth.

#expanse, #expansion, #life, #perception

What do you observe in me?

What do you observe in me?

There are things that you need to see

I’m waiting for it impatiently

‘cz I need you to observe me


How beautiful! A pair of eye

Always shining, n’er willing to cry

Lovely the smile! with ratty white teeth

Melts the heart of a nerd and a geek


This is what you observe in me

Lot of things still I don’t see

Oh boy! please work hard upon me

I need you to observe me


Sweet and Cute! Your disposition

All say rude but to me soft spoken

A boy! A man! to the world outside

Cute little girl from the inner side


This is what you observe in me

There are things that now I see

Are you still trying to work on me?

Oh Ya! I need you to observe me


Heels the high! You wish to wear

Fascinating sarees with praises to hear

More of a boy wishes to be a girl

Yes dear! You’ve got me in your whirl


This is what you observe in me

This time I’m speechless you see

But please don’t stop observing me

That is where I wish you to be



Tikona Fort Panaroma

Tikona Fort, Maharashtra


The reminiscence of the view

It itself is the purview

I couldn’t imagine

Nor fathom but listen

The bees in my ear

The songs I hear

The wind I feel

The roads and the hill I see

The scenic beauty beauty beneath me

It’s all just a reminiscent

It’s all in the purview

#life, #reminiscence

Need a mentor

Someone who has a vision enough to inspire

sporty enough to compete, every time

One who may not fear to experiment with me

Something that’s instilled in me, a fairy tale, tells me to believe in it


Also s/he needs to cleanse me

Of my ego, of my pride

I’m willing to learn, willing to love

Offer myself up completely; please make me know how!


Can the mentor be a wife/ husband?

Yes s/he can!

I’m in search of the one

who lifts me up completely; from death to life, from dark to light, from daft to wise.


I’m lost for far long and enough now

with no direction and only frustration

Please tell me where can I find courage and zest back?

In return I can offer myself, completely and absolutely!

#gurupoornima, #mentor, #search


Letting you go was hard

but the truce has to be made

C’mon C’mon now go

A dream has to be chased

Supposedly of perfection

The one that was left unsaid

through the travels of time

that passed by in haste

Chase Chase go run

Days are few to the death

perhaps for the desire

that swindled and bred

with the mortals and the stooges

where lucidity becomes rare

Sane Sane his kind

Insane was her cage

He ran, he fell, he ran

His spirit would not break

Time is time, it comes.

And the decision is made

Letting you go is hard

but the truce shall be made.

#humans, #poetry

A Disguised Light

I can be a shadow in disguise

A disguise of light

Light that radiates,

illuminates your world

like a candle that burns

within itself, to satiate

your pride & your world of lies.


I can be the light

of your life

Light that shines

brighter than the moon

brighter than the sun

just to make your world

free from fear in this world of disguise


I can be a shadow or

I can be a light

I can be warped in space & time

To forfeit this illicit, I dare

Be my ‘Delusion of Grandeur’

I offer you irrationality within the realms of possibility

Be my shadow or be my light, it’s the only opportunity

#irrationality, #love, #poetry

An expedition celerity




There was a rush of blood

Not from the heart

Something was pumping up its way

Intangible yet a touchable


So it was magical

Not in the dreams

but in the illusions of life

A reminiscent yet livable


But those gush of feelings

Nothing so complicated

A trip to the universe

Reach unfathomable


So it was adorable

Not in the cutesy

but in the frenzy picturesque

her euphoria idyll

#existence, #poetry, #trance, #trips

Story of a brave

Sunset at Rasalpur, Savli, Vadodra

The waves of water dispelling

The mind of a machine

The light of the night dissecting

The sight of a blind

The sounds of the aurora settling

The cries of a sky

The scene of the morning inspiring

The courage of a Heart

It’s the story of the brave conspiring

The death of a daft

#inspiration, #sunset

Bipolar syndrome

Is it a yes or a no?

Is it a head or a tail?

Is it a win or a defeat?

Is a day or a night?

Is it black or white?

Is it real or prismafied?

Is it sexual or asexual?

Is it polar or bipolar?

Is it a thought or a speech?

Is it me or you?

Isn’t it all a dream?

Yes? No?

#bipolar, #brain, #psychology



Image credit: Isha Blog

Dragonfly struggles

To go through the transparence of glass

Eyes say this is the way to go

But even the gentle breeze does not pass

Ocular deception

so the transparent mind

seems to let everything in

But nothing gets in or out

Clear the transparence

Deeper the Deception

By the bed size I find

the Dragonfly dead and dry


P.s.: The poem is written by Sadhguru(http://bit.ly/2ebwXYy). I found it motivating and took the liberty to share.

#death, #dragonfly, #mind, #philosophy, #poetry, #yoga